The Choose College Educational Foundation®
Founded in 2005, Choose College Educational Foundation, Inc.® (Choose College®) promotes the benefits for pursuing higher education beyond high school.
The Choose College Educational Foundation®
Our motto, Choose College: Not Just 4 Years, Choose College 4 Life® speaks to the belief that education doesn’t end in high school rather it is a lifelong journey for all.
The Choose College Educational Foundation®
We believe that all students have the ability to academically succeed and pursue post secondary education if provided with resources, information, guidance, and support.
The Choose College Educational Foundation®
Founded in 2005, Choose College Educational Foundation, Inc.® (Choose College®) promotes the benefits for pursuing higher education beyond high school.
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The Choose College Educational Foundation®

Student-Centered Empowerment

Through encouraging sense of purpose, passion for learning, development of specific study skills, and cultivating independent, self-directed lifelong learners, CCEF’s programs, events, and initiatives empower students to take charge of their futures by preparing them for college AND life.

Additionally, The Choose College Educational Foundation conducts mass grass-roots outreach efforts to inform communities on the importance of going to college, and works with community organizations and partners to connect students with the resources they need to succeed.

Learn more about CCEF Programs...


Choose College provides college going information, resources, and motivational events showing students they have options arrayed around them to move forward with their continuing education.

CCEF facilitates informational assemblies for schools and youth serving entities; informational workshops; culturally-relevant test preparation courses; and professional development for educators and community leaders on integrating a college-going culture.

Learn more about CCEF's Events...

It's Never Too Early OR Too Late!

By beginning to focus on college early, students develop a roadmap for the future and significantly increase their chances of getting into the college of their choice and securing the financial aid that will help make that dream affordable.  The later a student waits to begin the college preparation process, the more important it is that he or she gets help – CCEF encourages students at all levels to learn about college and higher education through grass roots outreach to underserved communities, community informational events, and marketing advertisements in mass media outlets.

Learn more about CCEF's Executive Staff...

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Our Initiatives

CCEF campaigns include:

  • Grass-roots outreach to underserved communities
  • Community informational events
  • Informational advertisements in mass media outlets (web, radio, newspaper, etc)
  • Rallies and Awareness events
CCEF Outreach Initiatives are dedicated to marketing college-going information and inspiration to Bay Area communities with populations underrepresented in college.

Programs and Events

The Choose College Education Foundation would like to thank all of the 2015 SuperSATurday Fun Run & Rally supporters, contributors and participants!


  • "For close to a decade, we have valued and respected the professional services that [Choose College Educational Foundation has] provided to the educational community."

    Parent of program student
    Parent of program student
  • " parents, my husband and I have the opportunity to experience various Choose College programs and services as they have worked in close relationship within our school districts, community leaders and nonprofit organizations. The qualifications and professionalism of the staff demonstrates their goal of improving learning opportunities for students and educational professionals alike."

    Parents of program students
    Parents of program students
  • "A well balanced education for your children goes beyond what they receive in the classroom and our family was fortunate to discover the educational programs of the Choose College Educational Foundation during the time our children transitioned from elementary to junior high school."

    Parent of program students
    Parent of program students
  • "The comprehensive services reinforced and enhanced the learning and skills our students had previously received through the public schools they attended. Our family believes that it is not just enough to receive information but information applied is the key to in-depth learning and lifelong retention."

    Parent of program student
    Parent of program student

Some of Our Partners and Sponsors

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